Reg. Shetlands and Purebred Cochin Bantams

Friday, September 11, 2015

2015 Show Season

Now in the midst of our third show of the year we are begging to look forward to some cooler weather. This weekend marks one of our favorite fairs, The Woodstock Fair in Connecticut. Next up will be the Eastern States Exposition on the 25th of September. Pictures from Woodstock will be up soon! But the highlight was Faye getting champion ewe in the open show. So thus far, my yearling ewes are doing wonderfully against a lot of tough competition.
Rosie was champion Shetland Ewe and Supreme Champion Ewe at the Bolton Fair earlier this summer!
 And my flock won as well!

Although sometimes things got a bit wild.
If anyone is interested in my lambs I do have several available for sale this year. Four of my ewe lambs will be available. 
Flow and Phoebe are twins and can be seen in the rodeo picture above. Flo is the black and white HST (she is actually a beautiful gray underneath the tips) and Phoebe is the black gulmoget ewe lamb in front of her. 

Lady and  Etta make up the other pair that is for sale. They are both black HST ewe lambs. 
Please email for more information, pictures and pricing on any of these lambs.